Monday, June 29, 2015


I can't even begin to tell ya'll how happy I am. THE GOSPEL IS BEAUTIFUL.
I know the Lord blesses us after we put in all our efforts. The flood gates have opened in San Pablo and we are finding soo many people ready to accept the gospel. We're teaching so many families!
-La Familia F: we invited them to baptism. they didn't accept a date but said they recognize what it means to make a covenant with God and how important it is. A little patience and prayer will always do the trick.
-R and F: An old sweet couple that are praying to receive an answer about Joseph Smith. Their home smells like Grandma Beth's home <3
-I and E: She was baptized when she was 14 and then became atheist shortly after. The other day they told us of an experience they had that made them believe in God. Now they're looking for His church.
-N: We contacted her in the street and she practically asked for an invitation to church. When we told her she could know the truth by praying and promised her she would feel God's love she asked "really?!"
-V and S: V is a single mom that has been looking to feel close to God for a long time. When we taught her the Restoration she almost cried for feeling such a peace she had forgotten.
-R and L: Oh my gosh. they are incredible. Mom and son. Our second appointment she told us "I was feeling content in my life without a religion until you guys came, now I'm hungry to know the truth! Where can I find it?!" They've turned to God and are reading and praying everyday to find it. We'll invite them to be baptized today! Say a prayer!

I love San Pablo. I so glad the Lord sent me here so that I could be learn, grow, and change. so that I could come closer to my Savior and recognize Him in my life.

Oh ya, so we have cambios ): (: so many mixed emotions. I'm going to Pucon! I'll have my first latin companion! yay! 
Let you know how it goes.
Rememer God knows you and love you perfectly.
Hna Meacham<3

Monday, June 22, 2015

It's incredible how being a missionary changes you mind set so much. Things before that occupied my mind before now don't even cross and I'm finding joy in the simplest of things.
The mission has officially taken a toll on my body. I had a limp for than a week cause I did something to my hip and my knee (never found out what it was), I also had blisters on my feet and legs and it's been terribly cold here but everyday as we left the house we got lost in the work of the Lord! Our Heavenly Father truly does bless His servants. Thank you for your prayers!

Remember M? Our investigator that loves church but won't get baptized? Well now we're focusing in on her husband M. He's been reactivated and I'm been so blessed to see this change in him. The other day we taught tithing and before we even taught the doctrine he was already asked us to help him know how much he should pay. The next day we passed by to use the bathroom and he said "can you come tomorrow with a tithing slip to show me how to fill it out?!". M is a quiet guy, but not about tithing, he loves it. We left their house giddy.

We're also teaching a lady that got baptised when she was 12 and then was atheist for a long while. Just 2 months ago she had some experiences where she couldnt deny that God existed and began looking for a church just as we knocked on her door. We met her husband the other day and he told us he started reading the book of mormon from the beginning. #futureforeverfamily

I feel so blessed to be able to see the little changes in the lives of those we're teaching. It's happens little by little but it happens and it's beautiful.
I'm so happy. I'm praying for you all and I thank you all for your many prayers.

Happy Father day daddy! (ayer)
I love you so much. I'm so glad my Heavenly father sent me to you. Yesterday in my prayers i thanked my heavenly father for you and almost began to cry because i realized why I'm so grateful for you. you've helped me understand and come to know my father in heaven as my father here in earth.
I know you love me so much and i'm so grateful for all you do to show me that love. I know you love the Lord and you have shown me how i can show Him my love too. Thank you for your example in all you do.

Monday, June 15, 2015

1/2 way mark!

I've officially completed half my mission. It's super crazy. I had this heart to heart with the spirit as I took the sacrament yesterday. I'm super lucky! I have learned soo much on my mission. My mind has expanded and changed my way of thinking forever. The gospel is so important. More important than whatever thing you could imagine. I'm so happy and blessed to be able to share it with other people but the biggest blessing of all is the difference I've had in my life. I LOVE MY SAVIOR SO MUCH I CANT EVEN EXPRESS IT.
tiene sentido?
(MOM HERE... just a quick fyi.. she is constantly spelling investigators with a D...investiga"d"ors! I can just hear her saying in English with a Spanish accent. "Investigadddors" rolling her D. I sometimes correct her spelling and sometimes's so cute and funny, I should stop fixing it. what learning a foreign language does to your English. ok on with her email...)
I really learned the importance of nightly planning and then following those planes (haha, another one)  the next day- no importa. The Lord sees those planes (spelling it with a Chilean accent, ok sorry Paige, I'll stop)  and makes them what He needs them to be. Yesterday was a little draggy, all our citas fell through but we followed our planes :) :) :)  and found a family of 5! We helped them with their wood and afterwoods (<-- punny) we taught them about the restoration.
Para que sepa:`
-N is doing good! She's in Santiago but we've been calling and she said she's been reading the Book of Mormon and she's been able to cut back on smoking and feel great! I'm sad to think if I get transferred I wont see her again.
-E is doing well too! She has so many righteous desires to find the truth and act in it. She wants her husband and son to accept the gospel too, but the thing, her husband works nights. So it's difficult to teach them as a family. A little prayer and perseverence will do the trick.
- M and M come to church every week although we've cut back from teaching them often. I know one day she'll get baptized and have an eternal family.
Love you all and I know your Father in Heaven loves ya too.
xoxo hna meacham
9 MONTHS....out in the mission!

visit to a museum
beautiful skies in San Pablo

Monday, June 8, 2015

I love to be a missionary!!

Before my mission ever time I asked anyone about their mission it was always the same reponse: "the hardest thing I've ever done but the BEST THING I'VE EVER DONE". (I was always like, 'geez just gimme some deets').  But now experiencing the mission for myself I couldn't express it any other way either! I love my mission. And I can't express how a mission is, it's just really, really, really incredible.

We had exchanges the other day with the sister leaders in Osorno. And my companion for the day, Hermana V said "The mission's so cool. It really is the Lords work, He'll guide us to do it with His spirit. We're just here to watch!"

How lucky am I to be here and watch the Lord work among His children?!
I'm having like these super wave like emotions this week cause I hit my "half-way". So happy to have had these experiences so far and so sad to think of how fast it went by. The other day I had a dream that President O told me he recieved revelacion and I had to go home. I got of the plane in Utah and stayed on the other side of the rope, crying and begging the flight attendant to let me back in and take me to Chile. I couldnt be more grateful and humbled for the Lord to call ME to my part and be "here to watch" this marvelous work come forth among his children.

Well San Pablo is doing great. There's this lady named N. She's been investigating the church since 1985. Not even a joke. She comes to church almost every week. Who wants to do the work without the pay? She needs to be baptized so she can recieve the blessings! We taught her the plan of salvacion and got straight with  her. She said her problem is that she can't give of smoking. Right there we made a plan. And she accepted a baptismal date! She's gonna be out of town for almost a month but we made arrangement to make sure she keeps progressing. FINALLY N!. I'M SO HAPPY FOR HER! SHE'S AMAZING.
Also, we had 37 people in church yesterday!!! That hasn't happened in San Pablito for a lonnnnng time.

well i'm just gonna leave you with a little quote that a member shared in his testimony yesterday,
"to sit in a chapel and listen doesn't make you a member of Christ's church. -Share it"
xoxoxo hna meacham
there were a billions dogs on this street,
we couldn't even hear ourselves talk they were barking so loud!

in case you feel like translating/reading this

Presidente Obeso,
Me encanta ser misionera. Me encanta la obra y la oportunidad a compartir la luz y gozo del evangelio con otros.
Este semana tuvimos intercambios. Estuve con la Hermana Vance. Ella es tan buena! Aunque ella no tiene mucho tiempo como Hermana Líder ni tiempo en su sector me ayudó mucho por su ejemplo. Ellas están trabajando muy bien con los miembros. Ella me dijo, "Somos los manos del Señor, es su obra y su gloria. Estamos aquí para ver no mas! Que bendición!" Su animo por la obra me hizo tener animo. 
Este semana visitamos nuestra investigadora que tiene mucho, mucho, tiempo investigando. Enseñamos el plan de salvación y invitamos ella al bautismal. Elle dijo las mismas cosas que siempre dice cuando hablamos del bautismal. Pero recordamos lo que usted nos dijo y la desafiamos, pusimos una meta especifica, una fecha. Hicimos un plan allí con ella y un miembro para ayudarla dejar de fumar y ella aceptó! Estamos muy entusiasmadas!
Estamos trabajando para esforzar la rama. Hicimos un horario de los miembros, un plan misional de la rama, y vamos a tener una capacitación de "Apresurar la Obra de Salvación". 
Estoy agradecida por El Señor que contesta mis oraciones. Yo sé que realmente es su obra, y sí hagamos nuestro parte, vamos a ver, como la Hermana Vance dijo. "Que bendición!"
Hermana Meacham

(this is how Goggle translated it... :/ ??)

Obeso Chairman,
I love being a missionary. I love the work and the opportunity to share the light and joy of the gospel with others.
This week we had exchanges. I was with Sister Vance. She's so good! Although she does not have much time and no time Sister leader in its sector helped a lot by example. They are working well with members. She said, "We are the Lord's hands, it is his work and glory. We are here for no more! What a blessing!" Your encouragement for the work I have done I encourage.
This week we visited our research has a long, long time researching. We teach the plan of salvation and she invited the baptismal. Elle said the same things he always says when we speak of the baptismal. But remember what you told us and challenge, we set a specific target, a date. We made a plan there with her and a member to help quit smoking and she accepted! We are very excited!
We are working to enforce the branch. We made a schedule of members, a branch mission plan, and we will have a training "hasten the work of salvation."
I am grateful to the Lord who answers my prayers. I know that really is his work, and yes we do our part, we will see, as Sister Vance said. "What a bless!"
Sister Meacham

Monday, June 1, 2015

do things His way

Hey fam fam. 
It's been a really successful week! 
We really focused on finding new people and we did it! We have a lot of new investigators and invited a lot of people to baptism. And we have two with a baptism date! One is named E. She sells french fries (super yummy). Hna D and I met her and we set quite a few appointments with her and they always fell through. This week we passed by her little shop and she said "when are you gonna come visit me?!" doubtingly, we set an hour but she was there this time and as we taught the restoration the spirit literally filled the house. She said she felt as if God was right there at her side. That family's gonna get baptized, I can just feel it. 
I've really learned the importance to simply be the hands of the Lord. He knows what's up. We have to trust in Him in everthing we do and refine ourselves so He can make us what He needs us to be. I'm learning humility, patience, obedience everyday. For example, the other day I started singing "Alejandro" by Lady Gaga (you can't blame me, it's a popular name okay) and i choked on my apple. it was like "hey that's not a hymn, cut it out".
Gods wants us to be happy and successful and they best way to be those things is to do things His way. He's obviously the most successful and happy person ever so i think we could all learn a few things His way.
p.s. sisters, you'll appreciate that my companion IS MIRANDA SINGS. its a blast.
h meacham